Thursday, January 3, 2013

No fear for New year

The past year, 2012 has been a year of “struggle” for me. A lot of problem arises, have embraced and solved them all as much as I can. Family problems, love life matters, work-related concerns and self issues… All of that has contributed to my growth as a more responsible person now.

One of the complicated things I encountered on the first quarter of 2012 was “stress”. I really can’t handle it well at first, but realizing that I have a lot of fall backs to rely on, I finally made whip those barricades away.  Travelling has been one of the major factors why I still maintain my sane despite disasters of the previous year. Middle of my year was ok. We traveled a lot.  Even on a stormy day, we managed to travel to Laguna, Tanay, etc. just because we wanted adventure… Last quarter of 2012 was a bit shaky and challenging. Family problems never cease to pain my head. But I maintained my composure amidst everything. I knew I can make it all through the help of God!

Counting problems without setting your fingers on your blessings is like overlooking God’s gifts. If we only knew how to take care of every little thing He has been giving us since day 1, one can spend a lifetime praising and thanking him. As I said once before, I really feel the divine intervention helping me all throughout my journey. Every time I need something as life requires me, I can always look for a silver lining to cope up. I really feel God loves me. And I want you to feel that too.

Celebrated it with my loved ones is priceless. Something I can never ever exchange with anything else.  As expected, I tried to end the previous Dragon year 2012 with a puff! And I really know and feel and believe that I can have my two thumbs up for this new year 2013. 

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